I have been using quite a lot of GOSH nail polishes recently....time to go back to OPI. This time I am using the Ogre-The-Top-Blue from the Shrek Forver After Collection and Absolute Alice from the Alice In Wonderland Collection
首先係兩層Ogre-The-Top Blue 好喜歡這種天藍色~
Here is 2 coats of Ogre-The-Top-Blue. I love this medium blue~
Then followed by 2 coats of Absolute Alice
有銀色, 藍色同金色的閃粉
You can see there are silver, blue and gold glitters in it!
Done ;D
其實我好鍾意閃粉指甲油....但係要抹走ge時候實在太痛苦-____- 所以都唔係好經常用閃粉指甲油....anyway 我好鍾意哩個組合hahahha~
In fact I really like to use glitter polish, but it is a nightmare when removing it -___- that's why I don't use glitter polish very often. Anyway I really love this combination!